It is our delight to continue to bring music to life with this podcast hosted by Michael Nowak.

In Episode 5, Artistic Director Michael Nowak shares his personal reflections on the music of Beethoven.
Please click the links below to listen to Michael’s commentary for each piece and then watch the Youtube videos to enjoy the performances themselves.
These links will remain on this page so you can listen at your own pace and return at any time. Visit our Blog tab to see all of the episodes.

Music So Sweet: Personal Reflections
Episode 5: Ludwig van Beethoven
Michael Nowak
Commentary by Michael Nowak
Chapter 1: Symphony #6 “Pastoral” 1st mvt.
Commentary by Michael Nowak
Chapter 2: Piano Concerto #2 Mvt. 3 Rondo
Commentary by Michael Nowak
Chapter 3: Violin Concerto Mvt. 3 Rondo
Commentary by Michael Nowak
Chapter 4: Cavatina from String Quartet Op.130 Artemis String Quartet
Commentary by Michael Nowak
Chapter 5: Symphony #9
Commentary by Michael Nowak

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If you missed Episode 1, the music of JS Bach, Episode 2, works by Samuel Barber, or Episode 3, Brahms visit our Blog.
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